GHDC: You MUST Prepare for Interviews

Misconception #13: You Can’t Prepare for an Interview

Interviewing is a skill. Like playing piano, or archery, or running a mile, it takes practice. If you think you’re going to waltz into an interview and nail it, you’re fooling yourself. Just a couple years ago, I interviewed an executive who hadn’t interviewed for a job in 10-15 years. He completely and totally failed the interview. It was so pathetic. (See the “What to do” section for the story.)

In fact, for my current role, I was in this weird mood during my job interview and afterward I thought, “Well, that didn’t go well.” I called the hiring manager and she said, “You’re right. It didn’t go well.” You know what I did? I emailed the interview committee and said, “Could we meet at a restaurant instead and just talk like we’re meeting outside of work?” We met at a local restaurant, shared a meal, had some beer, and I got hired.

I screwed up my interview because I psyched myself out. But I fixed it by making myself comfortable. I got lucky. You might not.

Recruiter Jamie Contino says: 

If you’re working with an external recruiter, they should run you through an interview prep. Listen to this, take notes, and ask questions. They get paid to fill this position and they want this for you as much as you want this for you!

Ellis has something to say:

Let’s acknowledge that for some to many women, calling a hiring manager and asking for a redo off premises is tricky, especially if that hiring manager is a man. More often than not, it’s not a big deal, but that’s not always the way it goes.

I interviewed with an agency once, and the interview was an oddly intimate lunch with the two male hiring managers. I definitely got a weird, suggestive vibe from both of them, but one more so than the other. I turned down their job offer. Learning that their offices were in converted slaughterhouses that still had hooks in the ceiling didn’t help.

But still, calling up a male hiring manager and asking to meet up for drinks is fraught in many cases. Luckily, there are many women hiring managers out there, and requesting to meet for lunch or drinks isn’t as weird. But I’d still like to point out to Anthony that not everyone can do it just like he can.

Do what you’re comfortable with, and always listen to your gut!

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GHDC: You Should Recreationally Interview


GHDC: Ask Your Friends to Help You Get a Job!