8 types of content you need before launch
Learn the 8 essential types of content every product launch needs, from top-of-funnel articles to sales PDFs, to drive awareness, engagement, and conversions.
3 types of money-making content
Discover the three types of content that drive revenue—case studies, white papers, and competitive analyses—and learn how to make your content profitable.
Don’t be afraid of having opinions
Expressing strong opinions in business can set you apart, attract your ideal audience, and demonstrate expertise. This article explores why boldness in sharing professional beliefs is a key differentiator and offers tips for navigating controversial topics without fear. Learn how to stand out and spark meaningful conversations.
Going upmarket: Chase results, not tactics
To reach executives, you need to go beyond surface-level messaging changes. Meet them where they consume content (LinkedIn, business publications, and conferences) and address their strategic challenges with real thought leadership, not tactical solutions.
Top 3 content strategies for 2025
3 steps to humanize AI content
AI content is never great out of the box. No matter how much ya prompt the thing, you’re gonna need to do some work to make it an enjoyable read. Here are the 3 steps we follow to do just that.
Prove Your Value with Case Studies
A case study proves that your product actually does what you say it does. Use case studies to persuade and convince prospects that your product is worth using and purchasing.
20 ChatGPT Prompts to Generate Topics for Your Company Blog
A collection of 20 ChatGPT prompts, perfect for invigorating your blog with topics that captivate and relate, regardless of your niche - be it tech, finance, healthcare, or any other industry. The prompts provided here serve as your ideal resource for crafting content that not only connects with your audience but also aligns with and advances your business objectives.
10 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Tech Writing
Imagine if you had a Swiss Army knife for writing that could slice through writer's block, screw tight your prose, and peel back the layers of complex tech concepts. That's ChatGPT for technical writing. It's the multi-tool in the modern writer's pocket, versatile enough to tackle a range of tasks from ideation to the final proofread.
How to Blend AI and Human Writing for Technical Content Marketing
In a digital landscape saturated with content, standing out is more critical than ever. Combining the computational power of AI with the nuanced understanding of human writers gives you the edge. It's a symphony at your fingertips, each element enhancing the other to craft compelling, memorable content. So, if you're ready to elevate your content game, why not experience this synergy for yourself? Try out Edify's AI-generated article service today and make every word count.
Announcing EdifAI: Our GenAI Content Service
We’re excited to announce our new AI service, EdifAI. It’s a marriage of AI tools and expert editorial. Have we broken the iron triangle of cost, scope, and speed? We think so.
Cattle vs. Pets: Not All Content is Special
Content marketing is like raising animals on a farm. You’ve got cattle in the field generating organic traffic and helping with your overall SEO strategy. And you have a few pets who live in your home, attracting the attention of very specific personas and generating leads. Here's how to tell the difference, and when to invest more into your marketing.
4 Things Your SaaS Website Needs to Compete
Does your SaaS website give prospects what they’re looking for? Make sure your website has these four key elements to stand out from the competition and win over potential buyers.
Unhinged Social Media Marketing: the Good, the Bad and the Science
An introduction to “unhinged” social media marketing, pros/cons, the psychology behind it, and what people are saying about it online.
The “Unhinged” Drama
The tea on all the drama between social media marketer, Jack Appleby and Duolingo's global social media manager, Zaria Parvez over "unhinged" social media marketing. We brought receipts.
Measuring Content Marketing Is More Than Traffic Numbers
Content marketing has become a buzzword, often associated with increasing website traffic, social media followers, and other measurable metrics. But is there more to it than “make numbers on the dashboard go up?” Of course there is. You’re reading an article written by a content marketer. What did you expect?
How to Create a SaaS Thought Leadership Strategy
Thought leadership is some of the highest-potential content you can produce, but it rarely performs. Why? Because there’s no clear strategy behind it. The world needs good thought leadership, especially now - but this great content doesn’t happen by accident.
How to Write Thought Leadership for Technical Companies
This might ruffle some feathers, but I’m going to say it anyway: Every technical company should be publishing thought leadership content. If you’re making efforts to innovate, develop new products, or get a leg up on the competition, you need to publish thought leadership articles and white papers.
The Top 4 Kinds of Content Every Software Company Should Have
Marketing for software companies still suffers from reluctance to invest in strategic content creation. Marketing has earned a reputation for being a cost center, a department that spends a lot of money but makes no return. It’s the first thing to go in spending cuts and layoffs. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Marketing success relies on strategic thinking and strategic spending.