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The Top 4 Kinds of Content Every Software Company Should Have
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

The Top 4 Kinds of Content Every Software Company Should Have

Marketing for software companies still suffers from reluctance to invest in strategic content creation. Marketing has earned a reputation for being a cost center, a department that spends a lot of money but makes no return. It’s the first thing to go in spending cuts and layoffs. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Marketing success relies on strategic thinking and strategic spending.

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Is Marketing to Software Developers Hard? 
Anthony Garone Anthony Garone

Is Marketing to Software Developers Hard? 

Marketing to tech people is the worst. They are skeptical, dismissive, and would rather spend 100 hours of their time building their own app before spending $8/month on yours. They block ads, they have a sixth sense for promotional language, and they’re too smart for their own good.

I should know—I’m a tech person.

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What Makes a Good B2B SaaS Writer
Anthony Garone Anthony Garone

What Makes a Good B2B SaaS Writer

Are you struggling to find a good B2B SaaS content writer? Learn about the qualities of a good writer, the challenges in finding one, and why many professional writers aren't good B2B SaaS writers.

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How to Find a Quality B2B SaaS Copywriter for Your Tech Business
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

How to Find a Quality B2B SaaS Copywriter for Your Tech Business

SaaS businesses need more than just “a writer.” The right writer must understand marketing practices like content strategy, how to target potential customers, and writing conversion-oriented copy, sure. But they must also understand the SaaS industry, have a decent grasp of technology (especially if your SaaS business markets to software developers), and also be a good writer.

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How to Find the Right Content Strategist for Your Tech Company
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

How to Find the Right Content Strategist for Your Tech Company

If your tech startup is at the stage where you’re seriously considering hiring either a full-time content strategist or a contractor / freelance content strategist, you’ve reached an exciting and pivotal time in your company growth.

You’ve probably realized that:

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Why Technical Gurus Need to Think Like Content Marketers
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

Why Technical Gurus Need to Think Like Content Marketers

My sense of technical whizzes is that they approach things in very straightforward terms: There is a problem and I will solve it with technology. It will work and people will want it. Technical whizzes don’t have to be fantastic marketers OR marketing writers themselves, but they need an appreciation for why marketing and writing skills are so important to their startup. And that requires a slight shift in thinking.

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The Best Website Copy Examples: Hero Version
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

The Best Website Copy Examples: Hero Version

Hero copy (aka the headline and subtitle at the very top of your website) is always the hardest ±10 words you or any copywriter will write. How do you condense the essence of your brand into a short headline that also intrigues people enough to ultimately become your customer?

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The 10 Commandments for B2B Marketing Emails
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

The 10 Commandments for B2B Marketing Emails

I’m going to share some email marketing tips for B2B with you today, but these won’t be your standard “use these awesome action verbs verbs” or “subject line tricks to increase open rate” tips. No, we’re going to talk about how to craft marketing emails that provide value and get you ROI.

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The 8 Most Important Elements of Content Strategy
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

The 8 Most Important Elements of Content Strategy

Many businesses run their content marketing like vacation: Create what you want whenever you have the time and will, write whatever you want to say, and good things will just happen. Umbrella optional.

In reality, content marketing is a lot like the military: To work at peak performance, it must be regimented, goal-oriented, and adequately funded.

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What is a Content Strategy and Why Does It Matter?
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

What is a Content Strategy and Why Does It Matter?

Imagine you and your sibling run a delicious Italian restaurant, but business isn’t going so well. What will turn everything around? A big night of the finest Italian feast that will make it clear to everyone that your restaurant is far superior to the competition. Are you just going to put your proverbial meal on the table to cool and hope some people walk in?

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