GHDC: Other Candidates are LYING!

Misconception #9: All the Other Candidates are Telling the Truth

You know how many people have lied on their job applications about their past successes? Um, countless. I’ve probably done it myself, perhaps even intentionally. The thing is, there are millions of people looking for jobs and they want the job perhaps as much as you do. You think they’re going to let humility get in the way? Pah!

Sometimes I can tell someone is lying on their resume just by their career path. “Oh, this person graduated from college five years ago, was a network administrator for three years, and then became Senior Director of Network Administration at a major corporation? Sounds legit.” Those applications go straight into the trash. Well, sometimes I share them with my peers so we can all laugh first.

Worse, sometimes I know what they’re lying about. They’ll take credit for work they obviously couldn’t do or work I know someone else did. Believe me, I do a lot of networking and I hear a lot of stories. I’ve even called people out in interviews and said, “I see you did X on this project. I happen to know the project lead over there and she couldn’t recall you contributing in this way.” It’s a nice way to see how the candidate will handle being called out on BS.

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GHDC: You CAN Play With the Truth!


GHDC: Your Interviews are NOT explaining your experience