GHDC: You CAN Play With the Truth!

Misconception #10: You Must be Completely Honest

Let’s get things straight: I am not saying you should be dishonest on your resume. However, you need to be willing to “play” with the truth. For example, let’s say you have a degree in Computer Science, but the job description says a degree in Computer Systems Engineering is required. Is it dishonest to say you have a degree in Computer Systems Engineering? Well, kinda? Not really?

Here’s the thing: Different schools have different names for similar programs. At one school, a CSE degree may be hardware-focused. At another, a CSE degree may focus more on tactical, practical applications. Some engineering schools offer Computer Science degrees that are 95% theory and 5% programming, where other schools have it the other way around.

If you’re in a field like Marketing, it’s an even bigger tossup. Sure, they want someone with a “degree in journalism, English, or related field” but really, they just want to know that you went to college (and even if you didn’t, it isn’t always a nail in the coffin). What they really want to know is, “Are you competent at your job?”

Heck, I don’t even know what’s written on my master’s degree because the freaking university changed the name of the program three times while I was enrolled!

Do you want to let the name of your degree stop you from getting that job? Unless you’re 100% confident they’re going to call your college to see the exact words on the diploma, I say it’s perfectly fine to make your degree be the same as what’s listed in the job requirements.

Ellis has something to say:

I hesitantly support this message. My college degree is in Latin and I have been asked to provide both the degree and the certified translation. My mother, a professional decades out of college, has also been asked to provide her degree. Like, recently. Tread carefully.

Everything on my resume is totally true. Maybe this is why Anthony is way more successful than I am.

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GHDC: “Requirements” Aren’t Requirements


GHDC: Other Candidates are LYING!