How to Blend AI and Human Writing for Technical Content Marketing

Think of creating technical content as performing a musical duet. In a traditional setting, you might have a violin and a piano—each instrument capable but limited in its range. Now, imagine adding a synthesizer to the mix. The electronic instrument can mimic a variety of sounds and add layers that neither the violin nor the piano could produce alone. The synthesizer isn't there to replace the other instruments but to enhance the overall performance. It’s similar to blending AI tools like ChatGPT with human expertise. The AI-generated content doesn't overshadow the writer; it enriches the content, creating a more resonant and impactful message.

Leverage ChatGPT for enhanced writing and editing

Having set the stage with our musical analogy, let's dive into the specifics of how ChatGPT can be your 'synthesizer' in the content creation process. ChatGPT has made notable strides in delivering high-quality writing, making it increasingly user-friendly. The benefits of fully integrating this AI into your writing process are numerous: from speeding up content creation and generating creative ideas to refining tone and style for different audiences. However, like any tool, it requires time and practice to maximize its potential.

Integrating ChatGPT into your writing process

Start by soliciting title suggestions for specific subjects, such as the nuances between data marketplaces and data exchanges.

Next, request an outline to shape the narrative. Though ChatGPT can churn out relevant paragraphs, a human touch is required for review and factual accuracy—ChatGPT has been known to occasionally embellish.

When it comes to tone and style, ChatGPT shines. Technical audiences may tolerate complex prose, but that doesn't mean they prefer it. A relaxed tone keeps readers engaged without overwhelming them, and ChatGPT is particularly adept at this, especially for intricate subjects.

ChatGPT has the ability to adjust its tone based on user prompts. You can ask it to write in a casual, professional, or even humorous style. For technical topics, this is a game-changer. You can prompt ChatGPT to explain complex issues in simple terms, making the content more accessible. A casual tone helps to engage readers who might otherwise be turned off by jargon or dense text. ChatGPT's tone flexibility allows you to strike the right balance between being informative and relatable, keeping your audience engaged without compromising on content quality.

Great writing isn't just about conveying information; it's about making it engaging. ChatGPT excels at adding flair to otherwise dry topics. For instance, it can generate analogies or relevant historical anecdotes to enrich an article. Don't assume that a technical audience will endure dull content—they won't!

Use ChatGPT as an editor

Editing is crucial when using ChatGPT for writing. After drafting an article, enlist ChatGPT to scan for issues like verbosity, jargon, and redundant statements. The tool can also flag problems with coherence, specificity, and clarity—common pitfalls like vague assertions are easy to miss otherwise.

The premium version of ChatGPT allows for tone customization to match your audience. However, watch out for overly casual language. Terms like "stuff" or "bunch" may not fit well in a technical piece. If this occurs, prompt ChatGPT for a more formal alternative.

For technical writers, ChatGPT offers a unique advantage: the ability to condense other technical articles into concise summaries.

Other AI tools to make your writing life easier

If you're looking to diversify your AI writing toolkit, consider Google Bard and Bard is my go-to about a third of the time, particularly for up-to-date information and sentence refinement. While it's great at crafting clear and understandable text, Bard struggles with editing tasks. Don't ask it to revise a specific sentence in a paragraph; it tends to get lost. While ChatGPT is more creative and expansive, Bard tends to be brief and concise (sometimes too much so). specializes in generating complete articles based on outlines and targeted keywords. However, it's not a quick fix—the tool takes its time, and the resulting content can be lengthy and lackluster. It often requires additional refinement to bring it up to standard.

What professional writers bring to AI

Human writers excel in areas where AI falls short. For instance, we’re able to bring humor and exercise the right tone in an article. We intuitively understand what's needed for a piece. We can also change our style and content to meet specific audience needs. Plus, we can weave emotion into narratives, adding a layer of relatability that AI hasn't mastered yet.

The human element is crucial. Without it, you might read writing that feels eerily unnatural. Good human writing guides you smoothly through a line of thought, making the read engaging rather than dull. Good writers also avoid circular reasoning and nonsensical statements. Unlike AI, human writers don't hallucinate information about sources, in general.

Does AI replace content marketing agencies?

Content marketers can become adept at AI tools if they use them regularly. They learn what prompts to use to get a particular result and can even use them to create interview questions. Experienced writers know how to create content that will attract readers. If you’re looking for the best of both worlds, human expertise and AI smarts are the optimal combo your content strategy needs.

Here's why:

  • Precision: AI tools can churn out content fast, but humans can fine-tune it for their exact audience

  • Flexibility: If you need something out-of-the-box, a human can take AI-generated ideas and run with them in creative ways no machine can dream of

  • Quality control: AIs are getting smarter, but they can still blunder or create something tone-deaf. A human editor ensures your brand voice stays on point

  • Strategic thinking: Humans excel at big-picture stuff—like planning an entire content campaign or knowing when to pivot your strategy

  • Emotional resonance: Nothing tugs at the heartstrings or fires people up like a well-crafted story. That’s a human touch that AI just can't achieve—yet

Bottom line: A savvy content marketing company like Edify is able to blend human creativity with AI efficiency, producing content that's not just smart, but also resonates. 

In a digital landscape saturated with content, standing out is more critical than ever. Combining the computational power of AI with the nuanced understanding of human writers gives you the edge. It's a symphony at your fingertips, each element enhancing the other to craft compelling, memorable content. So, if you're ready to elevate your content game, why not experience this synergy for yourself? Try out Edify's AI-generated article service today and make every word count.


10 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Tech Writing


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