Good Content Vs. Bad Content: 7 Examples Show the Difference
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

Good Content Vs. Bad Content: 7 Examples Show the Difference

Some things we know to be bad as soon as we encounter them, like spoiled milk. But classifying content marketing as “good” or “bad” is a much more nuanced situation. Sometimes it comes down to luck; bad content can get results; good content can languish unnoticed.

Here are some examples of good content and bad content, and 7 characteristics all good content has.

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How & Why to Hire a Content Strategist
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

How & Why to Hire a Content Strategist

“I’ll get to marketing when everything else is in place,” you think. “We’re a technical company. The product itself is enough enticement. We want to acquire more users, so we need to focus on releasing and sharing more features.”

My friend, come sit and let me tell you with all kindness and your best interest in mind and let me tell you how wrong you are.

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Is It Time For a Website Revamp? Here’s What to Do
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

Is It Time For a Website Revamp? Here’s What to Do

Many tech startups come to us saying, “We need a website overhaul.” The usual stated reason: “Our website just isn’t performing.”

This can mean a lot of different things. But website performance is a red herring. Let me tell you the real reason for lackluster performance:

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