4 Things Your SaaS Website Needs to Compete

There are a lot of SaaS tools out there. Like, a lot.

So many that when you have a problem you need to solve, it can feel impossible to choose the right solution.

Whether you start with a Google search or recommendations from your network, you’ll have to do your research. Buyers of your SaaS solution are doing the same, researching your product and weighing it against competitors.

So what is going to convince a prospect to choose your SaaS solution over your competitors?

Here are four things your SaaS website must have to get an edge on the competition.

saas, book a demo

Clear messaging

Within a few seconds of scanning your home page, a buyer should know exactly what you do and who you do it for.

If a confused mind says no, you want to make sure your visitors never feel confused by what you offer.

If you had never heard of your solution, would you understand the value your solution offers just by visiting your site? Would your solution even appeal to you?

If not, it’s time to revamp that messaging so it’s more clear and compelling.

(And if this is you, don’t be too hard on yourself. Messaging is a strategic process;, our co-founder, Ellis, has dedicated much of her TikTok channel to the topic.)

But if your messaging is clear, compelling, and value-driven, a prospect will want to learn more.

Which leads us to …

Blog content that speaks directly to your prospects

B2B buyers consume three to 10 pieces of content from a company before deciding whether to contact them.

Are you giving would-be buyers what they’re looking for? Or do they scan your site and come up empty?

Decision-makers expect content that speaks directly to their specific problems, demonstrates the value it will bring their business, and guides them to making a purchase decision.

This requires a strategy and the ability to communicate your technical expertise in a compelling, understandable way.

Case studies

You can talk all day about the excellent work you do, the amazing people you’ve hired, and the vast experience you have, but prospective clients and customers want to see proof.

Case studies are real-world examples of the work you’ve done and results you’ve helped your clients achieve. This elicits a feeling of desire in the buyer—like hey, I want that, too.

Case studies should showcase:

  • The problem or pain point the customer experienced

  • How your solution solved it

  • Results the customer achieved because they used your tool

Multiple ways to raise their hand—that aren’t “book a demo.” (AKA a strong CTA)

Once a prospect has done their research, what do you offer as a next step?

If your only option is to book a demo, you may very well lose them.

Upon a first visit, most prospects will want a bit more time to get to know your company before they get on a call or demo.

Keep those would-be buyers in your world by giving them ways to continue their relationship with you. A few options include:

  • Sign up for our newsletter

  • Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • Download this ebook or guide

Your website exists to support your future clients and customers at every stage of their journey.

And when it’s decision-time, your SaaS is more likely to stand out if you’ve:

  • Explained exactly what you do and who you do it for

  • Shown how you help clients get results

  • Wowed them with your real-world results and left them wanting more

  • Given them a way to ask for more

These critical elements set a solid foundation for your marketing efforts and increase the odds that you’ll stand out against the competition.

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