7 Key Message Examples to Inspire Your Marketing
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

7 Key Message Examples to Inspire Your Marketing

Many SaaS companies get caught up in the “If you build it they will come” mythology. But getting people to understand what you do and care about it is absolutely critical, no matter how spectacular your product. Yes, you need a marketing strategy, but more than that, you need talking points.

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Is It Time For a Website Revamp? Here’s What to Do
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

Is It Time For a Website Revamp? Here’s What to Do

Many tech startups come to us saying, “We need a website overhaul.” The usual stated reason: “Our website just isn’t performing.”

This can mean a lot of different things. But website performance is a red herring. Let me tell you the real reason for lackluster performance:

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Explain Your Product and Compel People to Buy
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

Explain Your Product and Compel People to Buy

Describing anything in a compelling way can be difficult, especially if it’s a technical product. So how can startups go from confusion to clarity in their marketing?

Key message development.

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The 8 Most Important Elements of Content Strategy
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

The 8 Most Important Elements of Content Strategy

Many businesses run their content marketing like vacation: Create what you want whenever you have the time and will, write whatever you want to say, and good things will just happen. Umbrella optional.

In reality, content marketing is a lot like the military: To work at peak performance, it must be regimented, goal-oriented, and adequately funded.

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What is a Content Strategy and Why Does It Matter?
Ellis Fitch Ellis Fitch

What is a Content Strategy and Why Does It Matter?

Imagine you and your sibling run a delicious Italian restaurant, but business isn’t going so well. What will turn everything around? A big night of the finest Italian feast that will make it clear to everyone that your restaurant is far superior to the competition. Are you just going to put your proverbial meal on the table to cool and hope some people walk in?

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