GHDC: Do You Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses?

Misconception #17: Working Too Hard is a Weakness

When I ask applicants, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” I’m not really looking for actual strengths and weaknesses (though it’s nice when I get an honest answer). I’m looking for self-awareness. When people tell me their weakness is some BS like, “I work too hard,” or, “I care too much,” or, “I just give it my all, even to the detriment of myself,” all I hear is, “Blah blah blah, I don’t know anything about myself.” 

Or, if you’re willing to crack a joke, just reference Michael Scott from The Office and say, “I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit someone with my car.” (You’ll still probably have to answer the question, though.)

If you can’t speak to your strengths and weaknesses, you cannot inform the hiring manager of the risks and benefits of hiring you! Remember, you are selling yourself to the hiring manager. The hiring manager doesn’t exist to get you the perfect job (that you’re probably going to quit for some reason you’ll convince yourself of in 18-36 months). The hiring manager needs to be thinking, “If I hire this person, I won’t have to worry.”

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