Is Your Website an Internet McMansion?
Expensive website + crappy content = internet mcmansion
Even Technical Blogs Need Stories
Why use a ton of words, technical jargon, and boring tone when you can tell a compelling story?
Authenticity Online with Tisha Marie Pelletier
Too often, we hold back what we really feel and want to say because of what others may think of us. Not anymore!
Tune into this candid conversation with the founders of Edify Content as they jump in the hot seat on #casualconvofriday
Copy Talk: Dbrand Shows Us How Good Writing Is Done
Today I want to walk you through a website that will make most writers swoon. Introducing: Dbrand.
Here’s exactly what dbrand does right with their copy:
5 Reasons You Should Really Hire a Writer
FREE Guide! The Top 7 Things You Need for a Good Content Strategy
Subscribe to our newsletter for a free 24-page content strategy guide. Yes, totally free. And it’s even useful!
GHDC: Do You Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses?
When you’re asked “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” they’re looking for a lot more than that. We share what hiring managers are ACTUALLY looking for when they ask that question in an interview.
GHDC: You MUST Learn to Brag About Yourself
You are looking to sell yourself to an employer, so you have to talk like it. It’s that simple.
GHDC: “But LinkedIn is Stupid!”
LinkedIn is one of the most important tools for getting a new job. Don’t say “No” to LinkedIn — get on there yesterday!
GHDC: You Should Recreationally Interview
Yes, you SHOULD be applying for and interviewing at jobs even if you are already employed. You don’t have to tell anyone that’s what you’re doing, but you should still do it.
GHDC: You MUST Prepare for Interviews
GHDC: Ask Your Friends to Help You Get a Job!
If you aren’t asking your friends for referrals at their companies, you are being STUPID. Who you know is a HUGE part of getting hired. Work that network! Here’s how to do so — and build a network if you don’t have one.
GHDC: “Requirements” Aren’t Requirements
Repeat after me: Job requirements are NOT ACTUAL REQUIREMENTS. Even a recruiter agrees! Find out how much alignment she says companies are ACTUALLY looking for.
GHDC: You CAN Play With the Truth!
Willing to play with the truth on your resume and job application? Here’s how to do so in the least dishonest way possible.
GHDC: Other Candidates are LYING!
GHDC: Your Interviews are NOT explaining your experience
Do you make up your interview answers on the fly? Do your answers come together as a story, or are they just … random? You MUST know how to give a compelling interview if you want to stand out from other candidates and get hired.
GHDC: Hiring Managers Don’t Always Know What They’re Doing
Most managers are not good at management, and they usually don’t know what their teams are actually doing. This can mean they’re not that good at hiring either. Yikes!
GHDC: Your Résumé MAY NOT Get Read!
Real talk: It’s luck of the draw whether someone will actually read your resume, and hiring managers play to their biases. We share some advice from a recruiter, and the sad truth about the state of resume affairs.
GHDC: Job Descriptions Don’t Describe Jobs
This misconception one is one of my favorites in the course. While I have written nearly every job description for every position I’ve hired, most every other hiring manager I know has copy-pasted job descriptions from competing companies or from other similar job listings.
GHDC: Your Work Won’t Speak for Itself
You might think you’re the cock of the walk because you made the big dingus work at your last company. It’s right at the top of your resume. First bullet under the most current job. “Took ownership and saw Project Dingus to completion, on time and on budget.” Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.